Service & Support During COVID-29

For the latest orders and information regarding the Coronavirus in Dane Country, GSDI urges you to visit the official website of Public Heath Madison and Dane County.

Prior to this updated executive order, GSDI was already working with a combination of on-site and work-at-home staff, as needed. Our service technicians continue to be stocked with supplies to minimize the need to make unnecessary contact with coworkers. We will also continue to minimize face to face contact for service issues, while still providing quality service and support to our customers.

Working with our Telecom partners at ResTech Services, we will first try to resolve any issues remotely to the extent we are able to. We are implementing additional review of all tickets to identify potential resolutions without needing a service call. If we are unable to resolve the issue remotely, we will first send a technician to check the communications closet without entering the unit, common, or office spaces. If entry is required, we will schedule an appointment for the first available opening.

Before scheduling the appointment, we will need to ask if anyone in the location is experiencing symptoms related to the corona virus/COVID-19. If symptoms are present, we will not be able to enter the unit. If one of our technicians experiences any symptoms they will not be allowed to work until cleared by a medical professional. Our technicians have received guidance on proper hygiene and are supplied with hand sanitizer to be used before and after each appointment.

Keeping the lines of communication open is more important than ever and we appreciate the trust you have put in us to provide these services. We will do everything in our power to keep that trust. We thank you for being a GSDI customer.